The fuel pump is the heart of your car, pushing energy-rich fuel to the engine. Combustion follows, driving pistons, which subsequently turn the drive shaft. This is a highly simplified explanation of an internal combustion engine’s functionality, but the point remains that a bad fuel pump means that your engine doesn’t get fuel. If you do not have fuel, you will not have combustion. If you don’t have combustion, you won’t have movement. Here’s how to begin to identify a bad fuel pump.
Stops and Stalls
These issues can be caused a number of issues, but among the most common is a lack of fuel in the engine. A bad fuel pump means that fuel can’t make it from the tank to the engine, resulting in the engine frequently dying or turning off. Alternatively, if the pump is malfunctioning instead of dying, the engine might be flooding from too much pressure. This is a serious issue and should be looked at as soon as possible.
Low Power and Pressure
If your vehicle takes a long time to accelerate, has difficulty towing, or moving while heavily laden, your fuel pump might be going bad. Other fuel pressure systems might also be damaged, such as a clogged filter. You might want to consider upgrading your fuel pump system to something an aftermarket system, such as an AirDog fuel pressure system.

Sounds and Breakdowns
A high-pitched whine or scratching sound is typically the noise associated with a dying fuel pump. However, every fuel pump works slightly differently so the sound will vary from vehicle to vehicle. A damaged fuel pump can also cause other problems, such as wearing out fuel filters too quickly or sparkplugs burning out from an overabundance or lack of fuel.
Maintaining your fuel pump is an important aspect of maintaining your vehicle’s overall functionality.